Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Blogging, or, as we used to call it: TALKING TO YOURSELF!

Yes, before people had a place to express their thoughts, they just said them out loud, and we looked at them on the street and thought they were pretty weird -- unless we were the ones talking to ourselves.

This blog begins as part of a process growing out of my teaching a course on what is being called by some the "new new" media.  I have worked on blogs before, even got paid to write one for a short while, but I wanted to commit myself to writing again and to working with the various new new media in preparation for working with a group of 18 year olds who probably are much more proficient than I am tech-wise.  I'm pretty savvy, though, a quick study, and it's more a matter of remembering where all the controls are than one of "how do I work this?"

I wanted to give myself a full month to get moving, and so here it is August 1, and it's time to get started.  At the very least, I wanted to set this up, announce it, and see how it looks out there. 

Much of what this is will be what might be called "cultural commentary."  It's what I do. I'm an academic.   (My name's Friday.)  I study popular culture.  I consume it mindlessly, I reflect on it thoughtfully, the whole gamut.   This blog will likely contain some lecturing, some arguing, a spot of ranting, and when running out of my own ideas, some linking to other good stuff out there in cyberspace.  Oh, and of course, lots of talking to myself.

Feel free to listen in.

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